Many times buyers ask us whether we recommend a home inspection or not, especially when the home appears to be in great condition. Sometimes the buyer feels they will save money by not performing an inspection. Our reponse is always the same: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS complete a home inspection during the period of time that your real estate contract allows. You never know what an inspector my find that is not evident to your eyes.
What is an inspection?
An inspection is visual in nature and is a review of the various components of a homes structural and mechanical systems. The inspector will look to find any items that may not be performing properly or may pose as a safety or environmental issue. It is important for a buyer to know what is wrong with the home so that they can consider whether or not repairs need to be made prior to closing and who will be responsible for the repairs.
Should the inspection turn up an environmental or structural issue, in most cases, the seller would be responsible for addressing the issue either by having it fixed or by providing a credit to the buyer.
The more minor issues sometimes become a negotiation between the buyer and seller to come to an agreement on who will be responsible for each.
The inspector will provide a detailed report on his findings including a summary of possible issues and advise you to seek a specialist certified in that area.
What will be inspected?
Here is a checklist of what they should inspect:
* heating & air conditioning systems
* plumbing system
* electrical system
* walls, ceilings, floors
* roof, gutters, leaders
* insulation if exposed
* attic
* basement & foundation
* basement & foundation
* windows, doors
* exterior finishes (siding, brick, etc.)
The following items may also be inspected by your home inspector, or he may recommend a specialist in the area:
* mold
* radon
* water/well test
* wood destroying insects
In the those homes that have a septic system, a separate septic company should be hired to inspect the tank, leech fields and piping (see our earlier blog regarding septic inspections dated 9/27/10).
Should you be in the market to buy a home and need a good home inspector, feel free to call Leanne @917-596-2772 or Anna @732-371-3233 for recommendations.
As always, call us with all your real estate needs, as well.